Sun 26th May 2024
11am – 6pm
Freedom Fields Park,
Plymouth, PL4 8RJ

Glorious Chorus

The Glorious Chorus choir take to the Freedom stage at 1 pm on Sunday 2nd June.

Helen Yeoman’s leads the chorus and writes most of the songs that are performed. Helen’s original compositions, accredited by the Unisong International Songwriting Competition, are fresh, energising and conscious, moving singers and listeners alike. The chorus’s gifted soloists, do the songs justice with their passionate and polished performances.

Helen’s song ‘Awaken’ was chosen as a featured performance piece at 2009’s ‘Sing For Water’ annual fundraiser at London’s South Bank, as part of the Mayor’s Thames Festival. Some of her songs were also chosen to be performed at the Brighton Fringe Festival in 2008 and 2009. Glorious Chorus has gained a reputation as a choir who perform great original songs with passion.

The choir boasts around 50 members of ages ranging from 15 to 65. The choir nurtures talent from within, including soloists, poets, rappers and dancers to add texture to its repertoire. 

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